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쥬얼리 Packing&Accessories

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Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display
Gift jewelry packaging luxury flip cover leather box with LED light for jewelry packaging and display

선물 보석 포장 고급 플립 커버 가죽 상자 보석 포장 및 디스플레이 용 LED 조명

생산물 기술

산업별 속성

보석 상자 물자가죽

다른 속성

원래 장소광동, 중국
상표명CF 보석함
재료PU 가죽
샴페인, 브론즈, 레드, 골드

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액세서리리본, EVA, PET VAC, 종이 트레이 또는 스폰지
럭셔리 가죽 쥬얼리 박스
스타일럭셔리 가죽 쥬얼리 박스
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